This may be in the cards - and it should be pretty alarming for all Americans. A company having a legal right to terminate a healthy adult who refuses to inject something into their bodies. The government mandating it and arresting people who don't have required injections? I think China is talking of putting chips in people with med records? Have has universe splintered into a dystopian nightmare? Will i have to turn into a renegade cyberpunk, riding around the country on my Harley - off the grid?
While too many debate the medical side our economy is in a tail spin and like Maverick’s F-14 getting out of it will be more than difficult. This article is a small window into the potential disaster we face if we don’t open society back up.
Kennedy and other anti vaxers are responsible for many deaths over the years. You’re on a fool’s errand if you follow his advice or believe his bs