espn but you are not gonna like the game start times
I could record it if nobody tells me the score. But if I wanted to bet on a game I would have to stay up and watch it live.
Uhh, there is a US patent on this fucking virus: And one in the UK: UK patent approved November 2019. Now I am not one to watch helicopter fly overhead, but when there are patents surfacing on a weaker version of what is floating around it do seem mighty curious who will be able to launch a vaccine. Pfizer is going all balls producing one WHILE they wait for approval. Bold... So the question is: WHEN a vaccine is approved, do you get one? You should probably start asking that question now.
And curiously many so called experts preach that there is no proof that you have immunity after having and getting over the virus (which flies in the face of modern science), yet they continue to work on their vaccines as rapidly as possible (which is essentially the same phucking thing). I have no doubt we're gonna hear bizarre stuff down the road like "even if you've had covid-19, and have antibodies, you still need this recently approved vaccine - (maybe add in "developed by the Gates Foundation"). I'm not in any high risk group and think im in fairly good shape - there's no way in hell i'm getting a vaccine for covid. Frankly, i'll be doing much more research before i get any vaccine again. I advise anyone to proceed with caution. Before getting a vaccine test yourself for antibodies, yes you may have had it unknowningly, and research the company, reviews, reports, where it's made , etc...
Yes, an anti-body test. I think there's a few options available - among them a few cheap not very accurate test - from China. Go fund me for her over $200K