I'll wear that badge bruh, I was stuck cause that wasp proved he could hold his breath longer than I could. We were staying till he gave up.
Dude, seriously, try the soap and water gig. I had a nest on the edge of my above ground pool. I got a little in the pool, but it was so little that it made no difference in pool chemicals. Made 50/50 solution in a pump sprayer and killed their asses. I think a weaker solution would probably work, but I like a quick kill. They die in less than 30 seconds and while they are dying all they can do is crawl around. Heck, it’s a sport for me. I go around the house and deck looking for nest to kill. Ha!
You aren't hearing me, I was IN the pool with the damn wasp. Once I had him under that net I had two options. Keep his ass under or let him out. I kept him under.
I don't know man. I got stuck by an unknown hornet back in December. I think it has been around awhile.
Was the hornet 2 inches long? I mean .... Dems be some big sons-a-bitches. Kinda like those cicada killers in Texas. I killed one of them once with wasp spray ... the stinger on that thing had to be at least 3/8 in long.
I have cicada killer in a jar of alcohol been there about 6 years. I could not believe how big the mfer was.
south korean baseall is in business. i bet 100 on the LG twins tonight. go twins! i went to an LG twins game in seoul in 2013. they had hot cheerleaders