This will go to the SCOTUS and the states will reopen, either on their own or by order of the Court.
Yes, I saw that on TV. Asian honey bees have learned to kill the scout. They do this by mobbing the scout, forming a ball around it, and flapping their wings generating high heat in the center of the “ball”. The heat murders the murder wasp so he never returns to the nest to tell his accomplices of where the bees are. Unfortunately, European Honey Bees, who produce more honey haven’t figured this out yet.
I remember seeing a nature show once showing Euro honey bees do exactly that when wasps invade the hive.
Well that would be good if they do. The show I saw said it was just the Asian Honey Bee that did that because they evolved with the Murder Wasp.
I wonder if my wasp killer would kill these bad boys as well. A 50/50 solution of Joy Dishwashing liquid .... kills wasp on the spot ... and cleans the soffit at the same time! Ha! The soap clogs their breathing pores and suffocates them within seconds. It’s really kinda funny .... with wasp killer they get all pissed, with this soap solution, they just seem to get all confused, start walking around on their nest, then fall off and die. Must find Murder Hornets to experiment with.
I can tell you those bastards (wasp) are very difficult to drown. Had one land on the surface of my pool so I put the net over it and took him down. Fuck if I didn't have to stand there for like 5 minutes cause the fucker kept crawling. No way I was letting him get another breath cause he would have lit me up.
Hope this link works. France had its first case in December!!! More details later this week.