Here is a source that has the chart. I’m not sure if that is the one I saw. It was in a tweet, and I can’t find it now. Looking at the broader article, I’m a little uneasy about the source.
Found your source. .... interesting that I noted how important it is for Our African American Bros to get on supplement. Check out this graph, only 6% are sufficient. >30ng/ml. I actually prefer the 50ng/ml.
I came across this preprint, in which a commenter refs the test. You might like to know that the study that was referenced in the preprint was funded in part by the LSU Health Science Center! "Murder hornets" have now entered the U.S. — and they could decimate the honeybee population
I saw an item a bit later where some researches have discovered that bees have figured out how to defeat the murder hornets, I’m pretty sure they were first found in Washington state, then a second group across the border in Canada.