In my city, confirmed = 136, active = 29, dead = 1. Over reported? In my county, 765 confirmed cases, 256 active, 22 dead. 2.8% dead. Over reported? State is 28,087 / 14,734 / 782. 2.7% dead. Over reported? US % dead = 5.8%. I will agree that that is over. People are counting a person dead to corona because they couldn't get a hospital bed. Also, people were dying before we even kept the record. So the total dead is not the real number and it will be what ever someone wants to believe it is. I believe the 2.xx% range of dead vs total confirmed is fair. There are plenty of things that could kill you more than coronavirus. Drinking, smoking, cancer. Death by chance is not really one of them. To call this a hoax or fraud is to ignore its reality. It is an equal but opposite reaction. Anyway, I am adhering to the standards set for our May 1 reopening. I am boiling a sack of crawfish today, having less than 10 people over, and they are all Texans so there will also be some left for an etoufee. Ayeee
It's a shame to waste good crawfish on people who think nothing is food if it didn't come from a cow.
Crawfish left over, yes. We are gonna do it again next week with other people and make more for etoufee. I am not scared living here. I still won’t go see my folks in Louisiana yet. Texans are cool. They make good brisket. We tolerate them. Living here and all. it is time to live life again if you can. Be patient if you can’t.