How do you know? Are you a doctor? Yeah, I could pick a fight with a biker gang, rat on a dope dealer and brag about it, take up hang gliding or bungee jumping but just because I could do those things doesn't mean I will. I hear Russian roulette is a swell game. I bet I could beat those odds even if I played 20 games.
Drunk driving deaths are 10,000 per year. That plus lightening strikes still don’t equal coronavirus deaths. y’all are filled with hyperbole. Now if you add pit bull mauling deaths and compare it with walking around without a mask and being an asymptotic carrier, then you will be responsible for as many deaths. Maybe.
We have cited many things here they are counting covid deaths without actually testing. Likely over reported.
My daughter who lives in Queens just had the antibody test. Line was only 3 people long at an Urgent Care just down the street. Very quick and FREE. Results online in 3 - 5 days. As you probably know Queens is or was the epicenter, though the worst was relatively far from where she lives. New York is beginning to get it right.