ALL Stay at Home orders are through the State Governments, not Trump. The Fed just gives guidance and programs that hand out money. The Fed can’t police the nation unless we go under marshal law, and that has not happened. The problem is and has always been the MSM. Their FALSE narratives are what causes problems. Problems for Trump, and problems for we the people. I would not mind a nightly viewing of firing squads for all the lying deceiving journalists and news people who perpetuate false narratives and abuse the First Amendment for political gain.
the extent to which this is politicized is insane. there is nothing that TDS wont affect. the people that want out of their houses are called trumpot maga fuckheads. for wanting out of the house!
Also we cant ignore that trumps ego would not let him admit that he was duped into the shutdown narrative. So he is trying to come off of the shutdown and still look like it was the right call.
Yes, that's why he's focused on dissing Sweden. You can't evaluate now, it's TBD. Look back a year from now and compare Sweden's total CV deaths and try to add in deaths from locking down (missing cancer treatments, suicides from financial ruin and unemployment, etc...) And then compare to other Scandinavian countries per 1M population. I'm betting on Sweden - the CV deaths will probably shake out close in the end, Sweden just front loaded their deaths, but their lockdown deaths will be minimal.
Funny how the inflation of deaths by including suspected deaths is now going to work against them. While they were trying to create the impression this is Armageddon, Sweden did very little. Those inflated numbers are going to come back and haunt them when they compare the US to Sweden.
NYC is down to 289 deaths. Wonder how much longer Jersey, Penn, Mich, and Ma will be able to pick up the slack to keep the media rating high?
True but as of now they are not in the positi0n of calling shots to maintain the perpetuation of a huge fraud. They just wannabe.
You aren't paying attention Start with the guy always on TV, no not Trump, talking about fauci the fraud. Look at all the dem governors and how they are reacting. Start with why are they not telling us that over 96% of people that test positive are asymptomatic. This is a bigger nothing burger than the Meuller investigation and it's not close. Like Jupiter vs Mars type difference.
I don't watch much news on TV. I just see on the internet what CNN, the NYT and Wapo are pushing and I'm against it. I have watched hardly any TV at all since there have been no sports to watch. Maybe they shouldn't have shut everything down but I'm in the high risk category. It would piss me off if I died nd nobody had said I need to take precautions.
What happens if you head to the store and some drunk asshole plows into you? Still gonna be pissed? The chances of that happening are greater than you dying of CV19