- The media gains Big Time...the last couple of months have been a gold mine for them - and will continue to be as people are trapped in their homes and watching these clowns - a lot. - The democrats to a less extent. Extending the lock down increases the chances of the economy not recovering enough by November, and allows for another big giant step for Socialism in America - Chinese - although a hurting world and US economy hurts them too...but they weigh with seeing Trump gone, which is important to them for sure.
who benefits from the one thing trump can point to as a positive without meaningful pushback from the dems? who benefits by a coordinated media effort made to convince America trump didn’t protect us from Covid-19, and as a result he collapsed the economy?
Take a step back and see the big picture. Hydroxy whatever it is has proved to be effective and most importantly cheap yet the msm squash that and make fun of Trump for touting it. Now they come out with a new drug that reduces hospital stays from 15 to 11 days and it is much more expensive than HDQ and they are all talking about it, including that fraud Fauci. Take a look at the numbers, they report positive cases and deaths, why? They sometimes report the # recovered but those numbers NEVER meet in the middle. When its all said and done this thing will turn out to be less deadly than the flu. It is a complete fraud and the media are playing you like a damn puppet.
Not me. I am over 60 and have prior health issues. That puts me in the high risk category so I take precautions. That's no reason younger people with no medical problems can't go back to work and school now. The thing is that I may have already had a mild case and don't know it. I had a bad cough for 3 days in early February and recently I had an intestinal problem that caused me to use up the toilet paper I had bought. At first I thought it was food poisoning from eating some leftover crawfish but it hung on for 2 weeks I didn't have any other symptoms So if you say I'm full of shit you are wrong. I wish I could get tested to find out for sure if I had it or not. Would be good to know if I had immunity or not.
Trump doesn't benefit from massive unemployment and Nancy's gang isn't in power. They only benefit from telling lies about Trump but it's Trump calling the shots now. The D's are benefiting but as much as I would like to blame them they are not able to exercise any real control to be blamed for. I blame them mostly for being obstructionists.