They were reportedly erased from Facebook too. My brother posted it in on Facebook and it was gone in less than a minute. Twitter, Facebook and Google all censoring items not fitting the agenda. Mainstream media has not asked one question about Joe Biden's alleged sexual assault. Far more credible "evidence" than the Kavanaugh case, only CBS even mentioned it. Death of free speech or a takeover from that deep state they deny exists? And they call Trump a fascist? Every day more comes out about the framing of Flynn and more improprieties about Carter Page, Papadapolous, and Stone. More about how high ranking officials knew the dossier was fake. They were all on a mission to get rid of Trump and restore the status quo. In 2016 a campaign was colluding with Russia, the Clinton campaign. A lot of highly placed people in Washington participated in it. In fact, Russia wanted Hillary to win. If you do twitter, follow Catherine Herridge of CBS news. She is one of the best old school reporters left. She has been releasing some of the hidden documents the "establishment" didn't want you to see. Every time Trump says something they mock him, twist his words or call him crazy, racist or whatever. Remember when he said his campaign was being spied on and everyone laughed? He was right. He turns out to be right more often than not. All this bullshit is about trying to hide and direct attention away from just how dirty they are. I never liked Trump before he became president, I voted for him because he wasn't Hillary. I still question some of his methods and style but no way I'm voting for a fellow Democrat, maybe ever again. Time to change my registration. Pay attention folks, we are in deep shit. Drain the swamp indeed, Trump 2020 (rant off)
It’s sad that there are no patriots left in the upper levels of government. The corruption is so deep. As @APPTiger says the Democrats were hip deep in dirty tricks.
So ... kinda makes Trump look like an Angel. I thank God for AOC! Her and Bernie are the only two on the Democrat side with the balls to be who they really are. ... Socialist. The rest just give lip service to the idea of Freedom and Liberty.
two things can end this. a vaccine, or herd immunity. opening back up speeds herd immunity. especially sending kids back to school. LSU should have summer session, but kids should be told in strong language to avoid fat grandparents. we should be encouraging the young and healthy to interact. go to bars and get wasted and fuck each other in all available holes, then facetime their granny, but never visit granny for cookies. if the 80%ish we need for herd immunity is the 80% healthiest part of the poulation, that we hope get the disease ASAP, then we win.
Well, well, well....look who lied.
Herd immunity was the end game. Shelter in place was to prevent an unmanageable spike in cases. Political power is the end game now. You have one less available hole with JBE as your gubner. btw, corona is a beer again in Sweden.