I would much rather get Covid 19 than the flu. About the same mortality rate and about 50% of people who get Covid are asymptomatic. I think most people who get the flu are miserable for at least a few days. Continuing a lock down is going to harm many more people and destroy livelihoods.
Here’s a "factual" article, not much opinion or slant, on 5 ways (stats) to track CV19. I’m providing the link because it contains some trends that are beginning to look pretty good. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive...action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage
They dont care about facts. Half the country wants free shit and the Dem's know that. They are looking for ANY excuse to "protect" the people.
Feels like we're at the tipping point, where we're about to get sucked in to the increasingly massive blackhole of Socialism. And when we cross the 'event horizon' its all going to shit. Protect what you've accumulated from the looters - (Physical and financial assets)
Quoting Andrew Wilkow the other day...."You can vote your way into socialism, but you'll have to shoot your way out of it."
Cuomo is the main reason the death rate is so high in NY https://www.businessinsider.com/nur...a2gJqc2XQ7MKqakop5pNSQmlmIuKpBr1q7CROgx_geWJ8