And i wouldn't put much stock in the "Washington Post" rounding up a couple of "Doctors" for a sensational, far-fetched tabloid article. There is probably a stronger correlation with the consequences of "Stay at Home" orders (dramatic switch to sedentary lifestyle). And the dramatic increase in stress (greatly exacerbated by what we call "NEWS" today), from being cooped up, fear of catching the virus, fear of having the virus, fear of their security and financial future....etc... Please, i'm going play golf. I advise you and everyone else to turn off the TV and computer and get out of the house.
You’re so closed minded it’s sad. If it’s not from a source you approve it has no value in your mind. I’m surprised you can function in real life if you take the attitude you show in this forum to work. if you and everyone don’t look for a broad spectrum of information you’re lost. As to this article I don’t take as gospel but another bit of evidence there’s much to learn. Finally go play golf. That’s great! I’m 68 run 5-5ks a week and workout twice with a trainer. I also eat takeout lunch everyday at Bogue Falaya Park in Covington. It’s one thing to keep up with the news and new information and another to let it paralyze you.
this had nothing to do with trump tard. I meant you should at least go check the mail or something since your smart dr told you what we’ve been telling you. The jig is up. Bring bengalb with you. He hasn’t logged off in 2 months. He’s smoking and hanging on.
I am not a big fan of Bill Maher, but this doctor is sounding a lot like a bunch of other doctors who I tend to agree with
i think the data has really pushed us to a point where its clear we have to open up. sweden is doing fine. doctors are weighing in. side note. i like bill maher. he and i disagree but he has balls. when he does go agaisnt the orthodoxy, he does it fearlessly. our hopsitals are not overrrun. we are fine. time to go bowling again.
Agree it closing things down served a purpose. However we need to begin returning to a much more open life. If we don’t the consequences are far worse.
agreed. it was ok we freaked out a little. we got more data, and we are ok. lets go normal now. not worried anymore.
That kinda makes sense when you think that Covid-19 results in low oxygen levels which is why people end up on the respirators. Low oxygen in the blood can result in a stroke
How did I get to be HWR lite? I'm going out right now with no mask and I'm going to run with scissors.