Injecting .... NO .... but using as a lavage ... there are multiple instances in medicine where this is done. Thus, if it were determined that gargling being careful not to swallow, with a 10% bleach solution for 60 seconds was safe and helpful in eliminating coronavirus in the throat, or if using a disinfectant or something similar while irrigating sinus cavity like with a netti pot was found to be safe and helps eliminate coronavirus in the nasal passage .... OR, under a hospital condition using pulmonary lavage (yes it is a thing) to help clear infection in the upper respiratory tract ... When viewed through an informed lens, Trumps questioning doesn’t become so “he’s out of his mind”. Trump isn’t educated in Medical Science, BUT ... neither are dumbasses in the Media. ... but imagine if I, a Ph.D in Pharmacology was on stage and asked the good doctors ... “are there any considerations being given to testing the safety and effectiveness of disinfectant types of solutions as lavages or oral/nasal irrigation in helping to control upper respiratory infections with SarsCoV2?” A 10% chlorine solution is what is used to disinfect machinery used in food preparation. Depending on the MSDS for any chemical, a certain amount may be incidentally ingested with no or minimal negative effects. Even using a saline solution has benefit by removing free virus and preventing them from infecting other cells. Even the UV light comment. Vagus Nerve stimulation ... imagine if Trump would have said ... “is there a way we might could put a little battery in somebody to shock the nerve and cause it to do something” ... or how about, is there a way for us to use a gamma ray to target cancer cells? (Crossing gamma beams increases the gamma dose at a pin point area) ... The Media would have howled ... pp. we don’t live in Star Trek or Lost in Space. Likewise, a small light could be used as a treatment for killing virus in the throat, nose, and even in the upper tracts of the lungs. It’s not a ridiculous proposition given that NOTHING ELSE SEEMS to be working all that great. So ... as dumb as Trump sounds saying it, what he is asking is really not all that dumb at all.
Whoa!!! Have you been listening to Pelosi & Sleepy Joe? Are you getting your news exclusively from CNN?
You can gargle hydrogen peroxide. You can drink food grade in fact. Not saying it does anything beyond killing germs, so theres that, but hydrogen peroxide is a proper disinfectant for COVID-19
Yes, I have the video on my computer, donyou? Legitimate media?? You mean the people who go to college, to learn how to "Dramatically pause & phrase" words on television? They can't balance their own damn checkbooks, but they ask people in high Drama to do it for them. They are called Face people for a reason. Why don't you understand the word research? You can't be that obtuse. Yes, your Liberal media will jump on anything they don't understand, like science & advanced medicine, then turn it into a "Dramatic Hoe-Down" of stupidity. The closest the media gets to understanding the use of ultra violet material, is their Hollywood style sunglasses. Libs said Nuclear medicine was bad. Perhaps you should have a sit in with the hapless ant-nukes crowds of '78 & '79? "Were all gonna be dead by 1980, becuse of Nukes!" Are you dead yet? At No time did the President ever ask or suggest any Americans to inject themselves with any substance. 3 Mile Island Incident - No Deaths, much to the chagrin of "China Syndrone" Hanoi Jane Fonda. Interesting Fondue, dared offend the Chinese in 1979, but carries water for them 41 years later.
Wrong look at the data.... Covid would not even crack the top 10. This disease simply is not that deadly and the quicker people realize this we can go back to work