That is a given. Maybe just run by his staff what he wants to say. They would have said hold on to that thought. Now it is a bunch of bull shit fire storm. Giving Halloween all kinds of stress.
So you can take it as Trump was only asking a question. However on its face it’s a ridiculous question and only demonstrated his lack of knowledge and education and common sense at least in things medical and scientific. Now does the media go into a feeding frenzy every time he steps in it? Absolutely and they’re nothing but running dogs who shouldn’t be given credentials or credence. Again after so long he should know what he’s in for. I think he’s likely hurting himself more than helping. However the Democrats aren’t doing much better. We’re really in a race to the bottom for so called political fact we may be digging deeper everyday.
It was never going to overwhelm places like texas. Our cities are not like nyc. I will say, Stopping the rodeo is houston was probably a good thing and prevented what happened in La.
Have a neighbor friend who's daughter took her lamb down there to show for her FFA class. They get down there. Show/Rodeo gets called. Lamb gets taken away. They turn around and come home broken hearted. Just wondering if it is a good idea to check blood O2 levels. Could identify asymptomatic peoples before realizing symptoms. More so, just wondering if adding this to my screening protocols at work would be worth the effort
You should take a closer look at countries that didn't lock everything down like we did and see how the virus progressed. You might be surprised. This was all completely unnecessary