Two things. 1) the studies are discovering that coronavirus is a stealth spreader with no symptoms in the majority of people. 2) As the number of stealth spreaders increases the probability of contact with a susceptible person increases. However, there is a delay between spread and contact with susceptible individuals. So you have two superimposed curves. One curve involves asymptomatic spread, which goes largely untested. The second curve is cases of susceptible individuals, which is the one we are seeing. Given that the second curve is dependent on the first, like I said, you will have a delay. But given that in many cases, susceptible individuals are nested, like in a care facility, you get an explosion of new cases from a single contact. The determinant is the number of stealth spreaders and the probability of contact between asymptomatic cases and susceptible populations.
Trump was trying to do the Trump thing, where he is trying to get people excited about the work being done. Trump obviously doesn’t know about the science. His comments were more of “questions” ... as in ... is it possible we could use light as a cure? .... or can we use disinfectants in the body? .... but he qualifies, I’m not a doctor and really don’t know about this stuff. The big lie is the Media suggesting that Trump was advocating for such! He was not, he was just showing enthusiastic curiosity towards what the doctors were presenting.
Wrong. It stopped from overwhelming the medical infrastructure which is what we wanted. Now its time to open things up FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Tell People To ‘Inject Themselves With Disinfectant’ Or ‘Drink Bleach’ context helps