@Bengal B This lady wants to protect you. Look at her hygiene: This was today btw. https://twitter.com/i/status/1253386259717861376 What a nice MASK she has....
Quit watching edited videos! Or at least get the wax clumps cleaned out of your ears. False. President Trump was talking to doctors & research doctors trying to find new cures for Covid-19. Trump said it all seems like interesting ideas, "If your into that (reseach culture)". And thanks for letting 99.9% go. Otherwise it would sound like you a rubber-stamped liberal, trying to foist Dementia Joe Biden & maybe Amy Klobitchar, onto Americans. The boot in the liberal rear, remains for at least onother 4 years. Have a Comb salad, & smile! CNN TV set on Sale, 15" Pravda LCD, $4.99 as an Add on item at Amazon. It rearranges words to fit Liberal sensibilities. Ex. "The virus came from China, that's why it's called the Wuhon or China virus." CNN TV adjusted: "Trump has unleashed a deadly virus to kill liberals. China has confirmed this."
So you won't wear a mask because someone told you you had to. Does this mean if it were only a suggestion, that you would wear one?
No the goal is to not see a spike occur. We have flattened the curve. We don't want to see another spike in cases so we can get on with our lives again. I am tired of being alone. I want to go back to church. But if selfish people won't work with everyone, then we did all of this for nothing.
This isn't complicated. I said I wont if the government makes me in public. I use PPE at work all the time. I have been in MOPP4 more times than I care to remember. There is a difference in me choosing to work in a condition that may or may not require it and me being forced to wear a mask walking outside in public.