“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” ― Benjamin Franklin Its the principle of the matter. You do you. Let me do me.
Reducing vapor spray may not be the complete answer but it helps. Not only for sneezes and coughs but the spittle that is emitted from everybody when they talk. I would hate to be around @RamahRising when he talks. I would surely drown in his spittle.
What happened in November is not my problem. What is happening now is everybody's problem. Let the young and healthy go back to work but maintain social distancing and wear masks. Older unhealthy people can maintain the status quo until the all clear signal.
If you worked in the same office as me and wouldn't wear a mask I would kick your ass. If you worked for me and wouldn't wear a mask I would fire you.
Damn Bengal .... he doesn’t work for you or with you, so, why get so upset? From one perspective, we need to lift all the lockdowns and ban all mask. The human population could use a good enema. We could lose a good couple hundred million and the global population wouldn’t even notice. I mean really, how many New Yorkers does the US need?