What is so sad is that you don't wear masks to protect yourself, but the ones around you. It just shows how self centered, and ignorant, the masses can be. (Although I think there is at least some degree in personal protection wearing one, the reason the doctors and scientist give is to protect others!)
The thing is, and if we are unilaterally going to follow CDC guidelines, returning to work is going to require wearing a mask. This is a requirement for all businesses now in operation and shall be for all business reopening their doors. I do not believe this is going to change anytime soon for anyone. That just leaves the population who is not working to be part of the system. Why is everyone so afraid to put a mask on? I have absolutely no problem doing so. It literally gets me through the door to work.
Stop being ridiculous. Wash your hands before shoving shit in your mouth. It's not that hard to actually do. I have 700 employees doing it religiously and despite the 3 positive cases I have managed over the last month, a hell of a lot worse if simple practices are not being followed.
You see the fallacy in this dont you? What good is a mask with Joe blow takes a fat shit and doesnt wash his hands? But hey, you MADE him wear a mask.
I have to get my temp taken and I am issued a mask to wear at work every morning I enter the building. If I don't, I guess I could get fired or sent home for non-compliance. Working at my job is my choice. Like @LSUpride123 said earlier, no one can make me wear a mask outside in public. I would do it but no one can make me. There lies the issue when we get back out again.
It's discipline and I have sent more than a couple dozen employees home for not showing it. They returned and the message is clear. Wanna earn a paycheck, follow the GD guidelines. No different than if I fire you for removing a machine guard from a band saw. It is the prescribed PPE for the job, it is part of the exposure control plan and you will get it right. Pretty simple, actually
Dont misunderstand. I have NO problem with a workplace requiring it. I have a problem with the GOVERNMENT telling me what I do in public.