I don't like to say all of what I read, because most articles are anecdotal. So this is not fact, but I read that there was one patient that got the virus, recovered then went back out and caught it again. That was scary to me, as usually your immune system has a defense against catching it a second time for at least a while. But I lean towards he probably had the flu, the first test was faulty, and then got the COVID-19 virus.
I use this one at work every day https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
The New York Fed announced Thursday it will be offering $500 billion in a three-month repurchase operation (repo) at 1:30 p.m. ET, offering immediate relief to tightening financial markets. It will further offer $500 billion in a three-month repo operations and $500 billion in a one-month repo operation for same day settlement tomorrow.
I just found out an hour ago that I may have been exposed. It's a patient with the symptoms that is being tested tomorrow. Pray that it's not please. I am at risk due to asthma and diabetes