LOL ..... and here we go. Democrats moving to investigate Trump on virus response. Who da thunk it!
Well my boss got the ax and I got the next man up treatment...hate to get promoted at someone's else's expense but better than the alternative. No extra $ but who is complaining I can continue to pay my bills for another month.
This tweet was surprisingly hard to reply to... Basically says hydro works and patients had to go out of ny to fill scripts from doc. Also one interesting reply tweet said Bahrain has the lowest death rate because they have been administering hydro since mid feb.
More tweets... Frenchie and top, world leading virologist dr. Raoult said study against hydro is fake news....
The US had 2,200 deaths today. 1/3 of the deaths world wide. I'm not a doctor or a scientist, but I don't see this shit getting any better any time soon.
That is it exactly, there is no other us city as tightly packed as nyc. But the powers that be want everyone to be treated like them. Total bs