Coronavirus Kills More Americans in One Month Than the Flu Kills in One Year | National Review
But has it really? So many States are just labeling every pneumonia death a COVID19 death unless they can identify an alternative cause. Granted, it’s a novel virus, so there is going to be death in the vulnerable. It’s called Nature, and this will not be the last time Nature comes along with a novel agent of death to cull the herd. The Flu of 1918 was the same thing at a time before Tamiflu and flu shots. All we can do is learn and adapt. It’s called evolution. No need to inflate numbers unless there is an alternative agenda .... and we all know what that agenda is.
News out today that based on autopsies, the first US fatalities were in early February, not late February as thought previously.
I counter your article with one that is a more sane report. SARS2 is not some deadly virus like SARS1 or Ebola, but rather is a very stealthy contagious virus. When all is said and done, even including the non- confirmed deaths, SARS2 will be determined to be about as lethal as the common Flu (0.1-0.2%) The difference is, because it causes no symptoms in most of its victims, it Is allowed to spread unhindered and thus increases the number of infections in unhealthy victims. It just is what it is. People feel fine, they have no symptoms, so they go to the party, they go to Mardi Gras, they go to the concert ..... and they infect everyone around them. And they do the same. ... and again and again. The result is a whole lot of people are walking around contagious with no symptoms. And THEN, that asymptomatic but contagious person who works at a nursing home goes to work. BAM. ... or goes and visits their sick grandparent .... BAM ... or gets around a person with asthma .... BAM. Contrast this to the Flu. Most people who contract the Flu will show symptoms, and will stay home. Most people know when they’ve been around someone with the flu. That prevents its spread. ... and less BAMs
Another one for Winston, supporting my point. Only 16% of flu cases are asymptomatic. The Boston Study has SARS2 being asymptomatic in almost 50% of cases. Diamond Princess was the same.