News Is coronavirus a wild card?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    What is the problem? The government, that so many cheer to control our life, is mandating where critical supplies go.

    Just wait until they control your healthcare.

    "Oh, sir, you are 300 lbs, over 65 and have many health issues. Please go home and die. We are not wasting resources on you"....

    Do you see? Money is power. Want that Fed money? Then shut the fuck up and get in line bitch.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
    el005639 likes this.
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Unfortunately I’m afraid the opposite will happen. The government will take care of those who abuse their bodies and are morbidly obese or smoke.
    However that wasn’t the point of the article as I’m sure you know. The point was that the administration while abandoning its responsibility is also actively seeking to interfere with states trying to fill the void and get needed supplies to their hospitals.
  3. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    What did responsibility did the government abandon?

    There is no context provided in the article. Maybe they ordered more than they need? Maybe there are guidelines on how to order and they didnt follow?

    FURTHER, these things came from CHINA. I dunno about you, but I am fairly certain its not black and white like you are making it out to be.

    From the letter, it is clear they were hiding this from the fed all along....

    "A lead came from an acquaintance of a friend of a team member. After several hours of vetting, we grew confident of the broker’s professional pedigree and the potential to secure a large shipment of three-ply face masks and N95 respirators. The latter were KN95 respirators, N95s that were made in China. We received samples to confirm that they could be successfully fit-tested. Despite having cleared this hurdle, we remained concerned that the samples might not be representative of the bulk of the products that we would be buying. Having acquired the requisite funds — more than five times the amount we would normally pay for a similar shipment, but still less than what was being requested by other brokers — we set the plan in motion. Three members of the supply-chain team and a fit tester were flown to a small airport near an industrial warehouse in the mid-Atlantic region. I arrived by car to make the final call on whether to execute the deal. Two semi-trailer trucks, cleverly marked as food-service vehicles, met us at the warehouse. When fully loaded, the trucks would take two distinct routes back to Massachusetts to minimize the chances that their contents would be detained or redirected."

    Why are they being shady?

    I've have done this research in 10 minutes. Come on dude!
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    You know what it sounds like? They broke protocol and paid the price.
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Jmg likes this.
  6. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    OK, I know three, make that four things:
    a) not only here, but EVERYWHERE, those screaming to open the country up appear to see themselves as "tough, true 'Mericans" whereas those urging caution, are weak and are being manipulated, etc., etc., etc.
    b) many of you see some grand conspiracy at work, and nothing, not a single thing, will convince you otherwise
    c) many of you HATE the NY Times
    d) there has been a lot of talk, and some funny memes, about the number of deaths due to Covid=19 are inaccurate

    Having said all that (in other words I know I am wasting my time) here is a graphic about the stuff that I have reading about mis-counting CV-19 deaths. I admit, the lack of a scale does nothing to bolster confidence.
    Here are some of the numbers (check out Sweden). After spending a ton of time on spacing out the numbers, it posted like this (sorry):

    Where we found higher deaths than normal
    Spain 66% 19,700 − 12,401 = 7,300
    Mar. 9 - Apr. 5

    England & Wales. 33% 16,700 − 10,335 = 6,300
    Mar. 7 - Apr. 10

    France. 28% 13,100 − 8,059 = 5,100
    Mar. 9 - Apr. 5

    New York City 298% 17,200 − 13,240 = 4,000
    Mar. 11 - Apr. 18

    Sweden 12% 1,100 − 1,160 = -100
    Mar. 9 - Apr. 12

    Note: I could not "import" this table so I hand typed it. Any errors are my poor typing and not an effort to fudge the data.
    Here is the link to the article. I think NYT has its CV stuff free! Stories&pgtype=Homepage
  7. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    You know, I have this friend, he is 62. He doesn't look like many 62 year old men you come across. He rides bikes, dirt and street, works out, always out side and active. He is literally always doing something. Rebuilding a car, boat, shop, etc.

    I asked him one time during a motorcycle trip why he is always so fucking busy. His exact words "when you stop you die".
  8. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    My only issue with the data is they are comparing actual deaths to a "weekly average".
  9. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    @HalloweenRun i disagree with your idea that the only ones protesting to open the country up are
    “not only here, but EVERYWHERE, those screaming to open the country up appear to see themselves as "tough, true 'Mericans" whereas those urging caution, are weak and are being manipulated, etc.,etc., etc.”
    They’re a foolish minority the MSM is using to discredit the argument.
    Frankly we need to start NOW. That doesn’t mean going back to the same way of life as before the epidemic. Use of masks, distancing and other tools to limit uncontrolled spread must be used.
    Our economy....the world’s economy is hanging by a thread. The oil industry is being savaged, airlines and every brick and mortar retailer in the country is being savaged. It’s a stark choice. We deal with the virus using human ingenuity to overcome its health challenges or the world descends into a prolonged depression.
    In fact we already see significant improvement in treatment. This will continue including likely vaccine. We also need to build the proverbial herd immunity.
    Frankly we’re at a point where more risk need to be taken otherwise we are in for a long bleak depression.
    StaceyO and el005639 like this.
  10. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    If the economy is so desperate, and I think it is, why all the emphasis on opening up beaches? We need to be manning up key industries/shops, etc., that have been shut down to get the economy going, not opening up beaches, marinas, nail salons, spas, and gyms!

    Since I am a full disclosure kind of guy, I just finished a tele-appointment with my cardiologist. He reviewed a bunch of tests that I have had in the last month or two.

    I have been fortunate enough to have been around a lot of really smart people in my life, and this guy may well be the smartest. Anyway, HE BASICALLY JUST DISMISSED THE DIRE THREAT OF CORONAVIRUS. He was not wearing mask, thinks the media is driving it, thinks people dying are not just with additional condition, but with severe additional condition, is CONFIDENT the sun and heat (UV) will really beat it back this summer, and thinks I have no more risk than a younger, well person. Was both surprised and pleased. I really respect this guy!

    As an aside, he's the doc that put me on Vitamin D, back last summer. He too is a big Elderberry proponent, though he said, as a preventative measure, but not if you contract it, since it might fire up your immune system too much.
    CajunlostinCali and Winston1 like this.

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