Now ... you know how this is going to end up. Samantha not only watches Shane’s and Toms kids, but ends up watching about 50 kids in order to get the most in vouchers. But instead of using the vouchers to feed the kids healthy nutritious foods, she feeds the kids beanie weanies and sells the vouchers to for cash to buy shit. That’s how that is going to work.
If there is in fact a deep state, out to get you. My first thing I would do during a pandemic is make you not believe there was a virus or lesson the seriousness of it. There is evidence that some astroturfing campaigns are going on among certain circles pertaining to the pandemic. I would be interested in what their motives are beyond just further dividing us; most of these things happen on social media networks. It could be they are just using it to get people to vote a certain way, but also could be much more nefarious.
And are the lemmings ever lining up to jump off a cliff! The number of people asking, no...BEGGING, to be shut down for the rest of the year is astounding. I am part of a Greek parents board on Facebook, and this thing is largely set up along north/south lines. The Southern women have said their daughters' sororities are going forward with planning for Fall rush (I know my daughter is...she's in charge of Bid Day for her sorority.) The Northern women are calling us naive fools. My daughter and I have joked about there being an SEC/Big 12 college football season, with the rest if the country cowering in their homes. Actually, that would probably make for some good football...
there is no credible evidence. i saw what you mean on the left wing sites. they think the fact that somebody bought some domain names is relevant. those people are serious, not paid, not astroturfed. they want to go back to work. why is it hard to believe that people want ordinary life to return?
Dude .... you really threw me for a loop there ..... I sat there and was wondering just what the hell does “lesson the seriousness” mean. Like .... was it a lesson in the seriousness of it .... ... but ... you meant lessen ... as in to make less of the seriousness of it. This is what quarantine has done to my mind ... reduced it to mush.
I am all for it as long as we can assure that we don't create a second wave of this. Just going out and protesting in big groups, that is exactly how you don't get what you want here.
maybe. the way i see it we dont want a curve as much as a plateau. we should be able to do anything that doesnt push the level of infections over the number that the hospitals can handle. any time that passes without going over capacity is fine. and the more that get it, the better, i say. i say we get really fucking serious about protecting the old and infirm, and everyone else gets out there. this of course is catastrophic if we all go to granny's for sunday dinner. but if we protect those old folks, the rest of us are fine. especially kids in school.