what has the WHO done for us - the USA? One of their main task is to warn the world of pandemic threats - if we would have followed their guidance we would have thousands more dead Americans. In this pandemic they seem to be beyond worthless - a hinderance.
No way they asked Mrs. Trump. Even though she was raised in Europe and speaks five languages. She doesn't exist to the "globalist citizen" organization. You probably missed Bill and Melinda Gates and Oprah and all the UN people telling us to support the UN an the WHO. The show closed with Andrea Bocelli, Celine Dion, John Legend and Lady Gaga singing "The Prayer" . Pretty good.
Not crazy, just the way it is. Its beyond ridiculous. Time for the country to dismiss this sham and move along with life
It could work. Here's how. Shane and Sooner or Babe have 2 kids. Both work. Joe and Samantha have 2 kids. Samantha doesn't work or has a job that leaves her free during the day. Shane or Sooner Babe drops kids off at Joe and Samantha's and go to work. If they have the space maybe Samantha could watch Tom and Emma's kids too. With some of the money saved the board of education gives Samantha vouchers for the meals the kids eat. A win win for everybody.