She probably will when she qualifies for a full pension. She taught at a private school for several years for low pay because the kids got to go there tuition free. None of that counts toward retirement.
I am kind of on the fence about schools. The kids are the least likely to be affected by Covid-19 so letting them go back to school seems like it would be ok. But on the flip side, they can be carriers and can pass it to each other and then in turn bring it home to their families. Or spread it to their teachers. Its almost a no-win situation.
You are spot on Dachsie. Crumb crunchers pick up covid at school ... bring it home to grandma, who then dies. I think we could open schools back up if we implemented the S Korea protocol. Every person gets screened upon entry. If you have a fever, or cold like symptoms, you are not allowed to enter. With the new rapid test, you could even test for covid at the door, and really cut down risk. Add on top of that, they are all required to wear mask. I think that would allow schools to open with minimum spread.
Today’s Report: We made our weekly trip to store: We do a deal where select on line, get a time, show up and use the call box, they bring out your groceries. Surprisingly this week we got ground beef, two packs of chicken thighs, two pounds of sausage, and a pack of pork chops. Since so far most has been out of stock, I over ordered. I just spent 20 minutes watching my wife clean out the freezer and stow most of that stuff. I would have lost a lot of money betting on pork after the processing plant closing down and getting so much press. Saw 7 other people in masks not counting my wife and me. 50 - 75 no mask. On the way to store observed three groups gathered on sidewalk or side yard, 10 - 20 each, clustered shoulder to shoulder, no masks. No worries! Noticed the city has removed the backboards at two b-ball courts that previously had been full. There is just a bent pole coming out of the ground at either end of each court. Carry on!
Hell, School is a risky proposition on a good day. I stayed sick the first couple of years for the entire year, after that, or maybe after one more year sick I caught nothing. Between teaching school and a 2 year tour at Subic Bay, Philippines, I figure I am immune from about everything except CV-19!
A small chest freezer can hold a lot of meat and they don't cost a lot. Could be a worthwhile investment.
Anyone else watching or trying to watch this Global Citizen music event thing? It appears to be a rallying campfire cry for the the WHO and nothing more than a crisis advert for globalism and government takeover of health care. I enjoyed the Stones and Keith Urban but Paul McCartney and Elton John sounded awful.
I watched the first hour. I recognized very, very few of the performers. The best I saw were The Rolling Stones. But the biggest deal was having Ms Bush and Ms Obama make a joint segment. I wonder if they even asked Ms Trump? Agree on the WHO bit. Didn’t fit the vibe, bound to have been a late add in.