Yes! I just wanted to see the kids again. I wanted them to be able to gather their possessions from their lockers, maybe have a pep rally. Whatever it would've been, it would have been a celebration.
Interesting that you say that, but my now-online students would disagree with you. Most of them have communicated they didn't realize how much they needed their teachers. As a teacher, I didn't know how much I would miss my students. And that is saying a lot because I had the roughest group of kids this year that I have ever had. The roughest and toughest of them tell me they miss me.
Well, I just have to ask: What do you guys think about Trump’s three "Liberate" tweets this morning? Any defenders?
Interesting indeed. My kids are hating this. They love their friends, they love their teachers, they love real life, ... not virtual life. They’ve all been going up to the school parking lot in the evenings staying in their cars so they can visit. Our neighbor who is a teacher was telling us how depressed she was. She said, you spend the first semester getting to know the kids ..... but that second semester ... they are MY kids .... and we are all getting robbed of the best part of the year when we can really interact. She feels like she had her kids snatched away by the courts.
Gonna have to post a link sparky. I don’t do twit. Edit .. Ok ...found the story ..... sounds like Trump is just supporting grassroots movements in MN, MI, and VA about opening up the economy. .... Screw the dumbass liberal response to it. Those fricken looms think a wall is capable of being racist, as if it can block those brown people but let those crackers just walk right through. Take it for what it is. He’s just supporting people who view the Governors actions as going to far. .... kinda like giving a person a ticket for taking a drive. .... or threatening to fine people at a drive up service. Gotta admit, some of this shit is pure dictatorship.
They spend millions on buildings and maintenance. Teachers might go for it once they realize how big their raise would be. Besides I didn't like school until I got to college.
Try to think past the end of your pecker! Do you even realize how many families this would wreck? Take mine for instance, my wife and I both work, who the fuck is gonna stay home with the kids. Countless families just like that. Selfish mf'r