We self isolate and slow the spread so things like this could develop that will help people when we unbar the doors. They couldn't save the people who already have died but they will be able to save people who, going forward, would have died. Remdesivir anti-viral trial reports 'rapid recoveries' for severe hospitalised coronavirus patients with 'nearly all' discharged within a week and only two deaths out of 125 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...-respond-Gileads-remdesivir-shares-surge.html
You should feel optimistic. The analysis I quoted is not from the establishment, so it’s not contaminated by the political element. It is just a basic, true scientific look at the situation.
Texas is the state everyone will be watching in the coming month. COVID-19 live updates: Gov. Abbott issues executive order to reopen Texas economy https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/h...orth/287-e4493767-8021-4242-9290-8838445605bf
As expected, he closed schools statewide for the rest of the year. Of course, we are supplying online learning, but it is not the same. This is the end of my 28th year of teaching, and I feel like I have a hole in my heart now that this has been formally announced. It's unbelievable that the last time I was to see my 2019-20 students was all the way back on March 6th. I may completely lose it if we are not allowed to open school normally in August.
yeah. by the time school was ramped up again there would only be a few weeks left. But they would have been the best few weeks of school in my daughters life!
They should just go to online schooling full time. Would save a lot of money spent on buildings and maintenance. Just have football and baseball stadiums and practice facilities and gyms for hoops. They could remodel the existing buildings into apartments and make enough to pay teachers salaries.
Uh how about fuck that! Real cute for someone with no kids. Put your mask on and get off the internet before you spread more of that foolishness