We should all thank COVID19. There are over 1.3 million motor vehicle deaths recorded each year globally. It is estimated that number will drop now that everyone is at home making home made toilet paper.
I am talking about what we did, you are talking about what we should do next. You are skipping over the possibility that millions could of died had we not done what we did. That millions could still die if we open back up to quickly and this spreads like wild fire. I understand the idea most are having to open things back up and I agree, we will need to go down that road sooner than later. This will fundamentally change our society, until we get a vaccine this will be a seasonal thing. And hopefully it doesn't mutate into something more deadly. Also all of those things you mention are something that only affects the person taking them. A virus is not this, its not a choice, it does not just affect the person going out into the world. It affects everyone that person is around, it more than likely doesn't kill the person making the choice to go out in the world, but the people around him or her. And I am sorry about the economy, we will be digging ourselves out of this hole for a while. The virus does not give a shit about our economy, and the economy will not ever recover if we see higher numbers die each season of this until we get a vaccine. We will need to work together, elect competent politicians that can help us work through a better way of dealing with this. And hope and pray we find a safe vaccine sooner than later. That average time to find a vaccine for something isn't a short time. TBH things don't safely open back up without an anti-body test and lots of testing available. Those that have had it can go about their business this season, and those that have not will need to keep social distancing and staying in mostly until the numbers go way down.
Bruh, there are less than 200K deaths globally. How is the US going to just shit out millions of Covid deaths?