If Covid killed the patient 6 mos before the cancer would have taken him, then yes. It accelerated the death timeline
Very positive and the best path. Now I would remove that bitch Tammy Duckworth for her partisan statement.
I disagree although it is heartless the people that are going to die from this are going to die and the rest of will develop immunity and be stronger
The big variable, or actually a fact, is the shortage of tests. Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah, may have no more cases, or maybe they just haven’t tested enough. Hope it’s the former, expect it’s the latter. I know either way it is immaterial to those that want the economy ‘opened’ but ...... I actually understand the economy over public safety position. I’m under house arrest until a vaccine is available. Sucks. Just wish we knew more about the virus, Good luck to us all.
If more people have had it and we didnt know about it that strengthens the position that this ain't that bad. I understand you are in the target zone, and I hope that if you get it, your able to recover. I enjoy your banter on this site. My position is simply that there at least 9 times as many people that will experience mild symptoms than those that will die. There is no justification for keeping us shut down in light of those numbers.
You will do 1 of 3 things. 1. Go even bat shit crazier than you already are 2. Sadly, and hope I'm wrong but I'd burn all of the wooden rods in the closets and throw out all of the doorknobs now just in case 3. Come around to our side and realize you are being lied to. Best of luck Adm.
No one wants to hear that, they are more concerned with mask and fucking test. Pretty soon we start to issue free tubes of fucking vagasil!