"Coronavirus disease deaths are identified using the ICD–10 code U07.1. Deaths are coded to U07.1 when coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19 are reported as a cause that contributed to death on the death certificate. These can include laboratory confirmed cases, as well as cases without laboratory confirmation. If the certifier suspects COVID-19 or determines it was likely (e.g., the circumstances were compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), they can report COVID-19 as “probable” or “presumed” on the death certificate (5, 6)."
maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying break this down for me: [ Deaths by covid with pneumonia as preexisting condition = 5,171 I read it as a person had pneumonia and then got the coronavirus and then died. How should I read it?
The counting is not political, it is being made political for some odd reason by both sides, it is for medical reasons. But such is the world we live in I guess. We need the data to determine how we are battling this thing, if we go super conservative we could get a false positive that we have flattened and opened up too early and it spreads again and we have a second, third, fifth wave of this thing. For sure there will be some natural deaths, or expected deaths over counted in the covid column. But the narrative that its to make the president look bad is silly. he does that enough on his own.
Maybe, or maybe the shutdown is the reason for those numbers being so low here and in many places that shutdown. And the places that did less seem more likely to lie about their numbers. So it really is just freaking hard to know which approach was better. I do feel that we did the right thing, I for sure agree that one day we will know we either over-reacted or under-reacted and got lucky. I am really hoping for a some answers one day.
What are you talking about? The data, regardless of HOW many get it, is very clear. If you are under 55 its no worse than the flu. Yet, the entire population is being forced to suffer....
My daughter works in optometrist office. They were supposed to go back to work on April 20. Not happening that early, of course. She got new guidance today. When (if) they reopen, all staff will be in full PPE all the time, strict appts only to limit people in office, much reduced appointment rates, complete rearrangement of office to ensure distancing, and questioning and probably temperature taking outside of office before entry. That is the "new normal."
You are swimming upstream bud. It really doesn't matter when we "open" again, it is going to spread. The question is this, do you have everyone sit in their living rooms while the entire global economy crashes around them or do you take your blinders off and say "We just don't have the time to wait for all the regulatory bullshit that goes into making a vaccine and I'm going back to work" I mean that is really it cut and dry right to the bone. People know the risk. DUI, Heroine, Crack, eating too much bullshit, I could go on and on, smoking, there are lots of things that are far more deadly than this virus and life goes on. Just as it should now. Time to sack up.
I posted an analysis earlier looking at the number of measures taken vs the covid deaths outcomes. There was no correlation. Some of the highest death rates are in places like France, Spain and Italy that implemented total shutdowns. Some of the lowest rates are in places that did practically nothing, like Japan.
Easy man. Total Pneumonia Deaths - 43,358 - subset of pneumonia deaths due to COVID19 - 5,171 - subset of pneumonia that was influenza - 5,055 This data says out of the total 43,358 pneumonia deaths, 5,171 were due to COVID19, 5,055 were due to Influenza, and some 23,000 pneumonia deaths are unspecified. (Remember this last point). Total alleged deaths from COVID19 - 11,356 Of this 11,356 COVID19 deaths, 5,171 are confirmed to be from COVID19 induced pneumonia. This leaves approximately 6,000 COVID19 deaths that were not positively identified as being due to COVID19 induced pneumonia. Here is where that other 23,000 pneumonia deaths come in. It’s highly likely that many of those deaths were coded (suspected) COVID19 in the sublines, ie., they died of pneumonia but were either not tested or did not test positive for COVID19. The 6,000 could also include people who died of a MI and tested positive for COVID19 ... equivalent to the Italian practice of death “with” covid, but not necessarily “from” covid. And that is pretty much all this data says.