I should clarify, chemo/cancer is the issue. Both weaken the body to a point where they can't fight the Rona. What we are saying is if the same person was murdered but had CV19 he is listed as a CV19 death. That is bullshit
that is not true. that is not what ocean's link said. there must be a logical series of events to call a death cv19. Y'all are blowing this up way too much and taking way to much liberty in framing these guidelines to fit a certain narrative.
Maga goons out in force in Michigan protesting shelter in place. The activists complained that the rules violated their civil liberties and freedoms, expressed anger over which businesses were allowed to remain open, and frustration over the cancellation of Easter and Passover services. They also believe people are smart enough to make their own decisions regarding protecting themselves during the coronavirus epidemic. 'I'd rather die from the coronavirus than see a generational company be gone,' Justin Heyboer of Alto, Michigan https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...-Capitol-against-states-stay-home-orders.html Looking at this picture, I don't see smart enough in it. I also see some likely preexisting conditions in that group. Maybe they can have a reunion picture a year from now and lets see how many will be able to make it.
You do realize the gov shut down their ability to go the feed stores and get seeds for planting...growing season in Michigan very short and they are under a timeline. Again rural communities are not by and large impacted...they should be allowed to go about the business.
I am not arguing that. I am amazed at the effort they went through to get shoulder to shoulder, without masks, and fat as fuck some are. Just not a show of "we are smart enough to make our own decisions" kind of thing. We have to get out of this shit hell we are in and it will take a little more effort than that to do it.
So ... according to your graph, some 4300 or so deaths were actually due to Pneumonia/COVID19 but the official death report is 9600. Given that we know COVID19 kills via pneumonia, this means that 5300 of the reported deaths were actually NOT due to COVID19, but rather, were people who died “with” COVID19, or who were suspected to have COVID19 . Being a data geek, I’m not buying it at all. The real death statistics for COVID19 for the US in the time period of your graph is 4300, not 9600. This is blatant misrepresentation of the situation.
There actions have no impact on you. We need to reach down grab a pair and start acting like americans again. This virus is not that bad.
Mancha .... do you not find it strange that the CDC graph above says there is only 9600 COVID19 deaths while it is being reported in worldometers and the NYT the US has 26,000 deaths?