Here is an article about why Coronavirus is worse than seasonal flu. Good graphic. The source is The New Atlantis. Based on what I could find, in a few minutes, they are deemed "right of center" in their reporting, I.e., not The Washington Post.
What that chart doesn't account for are the people that have stage 4 lung cancer that die with CV 19 that get counted as a CV19 death. The ones that get hit by a train but happened to test positive so guess what, CV 19! THAT is the bullshit I'm talking about. Of course the chart will be spiked if you spike the number intentionally. If you have underlying conditions and are over 60, STAY HOME! The rest of us need to get back to work.
Yea, I think Ocean posted a link showing the death reports and many of the cases they didn't even test for COVID, but simply made an educated guess as to if they had it and listed it.... It is a power grab. They want to hand out checks in exchange for your freedom.
What is sooooooooo funny/pitiful is that depending on what is read/analyzed the right wing fanatics claim a way big overcount ahile the left wing fanatics say the numbers are way lower than they should be. I try to look at all I can. Yes, NY recently "broadened" the deaths they attributed to CV, but that is very recent, while the cries that every possible death was counted as CV have been persistent, from Fox News for weeks and weeks. I can only judge what I can see/read, but when the weekly deaths in NYC are a multiple of deaths for the same week over time, I judge that as pretty compelling and not just a coincidence. Maybe it’s time to look in the mirror if an acknowledged right of center source doesn’t meet your criteria or standards.
Its deadly to a very specific segment of society, that's it period...if your in the target zone take precautions. No need to destroy our way of life over it.
YEP! ..... @HalloweenRun .... yesterday saw a huge spike in deaths for the US .... all of them in the “suspected” category. According to the NYT .. NYC updated their death tolls, adding 3700 cases that died but did not test positive for COVID19. I just don’t know how anyone can accept such reporting malpractice. It is obviously designed to inflate the numbers and risk, and to tell a more scary story.
I can’t speak for the right wing, but I can say that right center folk like me can point to the NYT article and proclaim as fact that 3,700 deaths were added to the roll that had not tested positive for COVID19 . The left can only speculate, and assume that all those people died of COVID19 even though none of them tested positive. Is it possible they died of COVID19 ? Sure, ... but is it ethical to include them in the data as COVID19 deaths? No ... no it is not. They were at best pneumonia deaths, which includes many causes. The NYT article goes on to frame this addition of deaths as further illustration of just how devastating this pandemic is, justifying all the measures taken. .... ie., inflate the numbers to tell a more scary story.