The problem with business is that profits follow, or stem, from expenses. These various Federal loans may help, but bills will be due before checks come rolling in.
Yep, and a smaller business without a lot of cash reserves will get hammered. Many of them will fail. Those with labor heavy expenses and low fixed costs and overhead should fare better. Those with heavy rents, lease payments and inventory costs are going to have a hard time.
The owners of non chain restaurants, barber shops, hair and nail salons, dress shops and the like are screwed. You can't stay in business if you can't even pay the rent. When the virus is all over there are going to be lots of strip malls full of empty store fronts.
In some ways New Orleans recovery after Katrina May be a model of what happens. Remember many places were able to start smoothly but others that depended on skilled or experienced people had a hard time because they 10th amendment states that ALL rights not enumerated are reserved to the states. If it’s not listed it is in articles 1, 2 and 3 it’s a power of the state b
This will be my last comment on the subject .
He still can't get over the fact that a. Trump is President and b. He is doing the right things and one of those is grabbing the old 8 Ball and moving it left and up and easing off the clutch. The country HAS to get moving. The "real" numbers are nowhere near as terrifying as the msm will have you believe. If you are over 60 with other health conditions stay home. The rest of have nothing to worry about besides our jobs, mortgages, etc. etc.