I watched Hannity at the beginning of this pandemic. But like everyone else I grew tired of the same old shit, night after night after night. I rarely watch televised news and when I do it's Fox. I get my fill of news online.
Me too. My problem with Fox online is it has basically become an ad outlet for disenfranchised has been celebrities. I mean, how many articles on Elizabeth Hurley do we need to have?
This x 1000. I thought that last week was going to be the worst week in our lifetimes. Now, truly, I know that many people lost loved ones last week. That is true of every week. I still feel that we have completely overreacted. On the bright side, I haven't been as well-rested in 20 years (since before children), and I haven't seen my 9th grader this much since she was in 6th grade because, between school activities and friends, she was NEVER at home.
when people project the long term damage to the economy, they seem a bit pessimistic. i dont see why w wouldnt just immediately chug right back to super low unemployment. the variable that hurt is singular thing we can get past. its not deep systemic flaws in our economy. i dont understand economics well, too much math. but it seems like we should chug back to life like a steam train the moment we are allowed. people will be fucking pumped to get back to work and go out to eat and go to a game concert etc
Two plus months of profits being erased/reduced will take months to get back. Holiday season, provided things open up within a week or two, should be close to full force I would think. If we stay on lockdown and hit 30+ million unemployment, it’s gonna be terrible. I see more automation in our future.
The issue is small business. Unlike large corps, small business can’t just gin back up within a week. AND ... it’s the small businesses that have closed.
Some years back, Hannity ran a bullshit story about how Plano ISD didn't allow students or teachers to say "Merry Christmas" or to wear red or green during the month of December. Right....sounded legit...
It wont be like someone opens the faucet full blast it will be a gradual return which will really hurt the little guys.