Trumps likes to over grandize everything he does. He is so self absorbed I can't stand it. I just like to call it out whenever I see it.
Absolutely!, Bottom Line ... there are a lot of armchair quarterbacks who after the fact will criticize Trump and say what they would have done, ... but their “what they would have done” is based on knowledge not available at the time decisions were made. Perfect example ..... Trump closed down flights from China .... Libs screamed over reaction. Here two months later, libs say it wasn’t enough, that he waited to long to act, when in fact, he implemented the GWB plan right on schedule based on the knowledge at the time!
It’s called the power of positive persuasion! I asked a long time ago .... just what was Trump supposed to do? .... get up on the TV and tell the public ... pp .. well ... we’ve screwed the pooch folks .... we are failing bigly with our response and we are all gonna die. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, and neither does anyone else up here. Might as well start digging your graves out in the backyard because the corona-reaper is coming for ya. Sorry we weren’t able to do more. Yep .... that would have done loads of good. If you act like a failure, and believe your a failure ... you will fail.
Covid19 is hitting the black community hard ... cant imagine why. Easter cookout broke up, ... look at all the social distancing.
So I think there’s two facets to leadership. First is moral leadership. In other words getting people to follow and do what you ask because you’re recognized as the one to follow. Churchill in WWII is the best modern example. Through strength of character the British hung in and persevered until we came in and beat the Germans and Japanese. Another component of moral leadership is the office. Being president confers an element of leadership on whoever is in office. Legal power is the other facet. As I understand the presidential power is constrained by the constitution. In normal times it’s limited to issues of national interest and the states are sovereign in their own. Both the body of the constitution and the 10th amendment are pretty clear on that. So in times of crisis it should still limit the president and really require he use his leadership skills and those of his office. I don’t think just declaring a national emergency qualifies to give a president absolute power. It sure doesn’t when a local emergency such as a hurricane recovery happens. I would think to have that sort of legal power Martial Law would have to be implemented. I have no idea how it would be done. My guess is Congress would have to pass the law. In this case I don’t think Trump was talking about legal power. I think he was implying his position, leadership and normal power would be the means to guide the whole country’s emergence from this shutdown.