I don't have the link but there was s story that Bill Gates created the virus sibhe could place a microchip in everybody's head.
Wrong. Here it is: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/pandemic-influenza-implementation.pdf OBTW, the plan was first put in place by George W. Bush. Good on him. ‘The only thing not covered is the absolute authority of the president, but Trump took care of that himself Yesterday, "When somebody’s the president of the United States, the authority is total.” How are you guys liking that one?
all hail King Trump. He lost his God position when we couldn't resume life on Easter but now he is going for the title Emperor With New Clothes.
i suspect this is more hyperbole.... kind of like, "if you like your doctor you can keep him".... you don't really think trump is going martial law, do you?
I don’t know Halloween, .... This so called plan by GWB is nothing more than a plan to have a plan. Chapter 3 is vague and basically relies Totally on the WHO. It outlines what we “need” to do, but as it states, this plan requires action. There has been no action. What little bit of a plan it is, actually was followed .... Track, Coordinate, Monitor. Step one, prevent pandemic reaching the US. ... check (banned flights from infected areas). Step two, assess human to human spread. .... here is where the WHO and China screwed the plan. Don’t care how great your plan is, if you are given the wrong info, you are screwed. It calls for a pre planned communication network. Ok, Trump did meet with the Governors way back Jan Feb, but there was no predefined action items etc. Lastly, the plan calls for containment etc, talking about H5N1, vaccines .... but .... this wasn’t an influenza virus. It would be easy to create a new flu vaccine. Look at ol Obama, we had a vaccine in 6-8 mo .... not because Obama did a damn thing, but because we already know about flu vaccines. Trump is dealing with a pandemic threat that the pandemic plan was not designed for. Further, Nowhere in the “plan” is there consideration for economic impact. Containment in the plan didn’t include a total shut down, yet that has been the direction to the world from the WHO, and so that is what we are doing. I think you are being a little harsh on Trump. He has actually done all the things in the plan required of the fed, but the infrastructure was never put in place, and the plan was designed based on the Flu, not Corona for which we have no medical expertise with regards to vaccines, and limited experience with treatment.
Hey bleedin' heart, please tell us the next time anyone in the USA calls out the National Guard, or sends military troops anywhere. Please explain why these Libtard Gubnah's keep begging POTUS Trump for money. Let's see these Badass Libs print their own money. BREAKING NEWS: CNN reporting, "Liberal Governor's dollars, running a strong second to the Schrute Buck. Now back to China news" Trump is the most powerful man in the US. He'll easily be elected to a second term. Most white folk understand this. Far less intelligent people elected Chocolate City Queen, "Let's have a Covid-19 Mardi Gras!", N.O. mayor Latoya Cantrell. RIP Tom Dempsey & many, many others. Even has Stacey Abram's gap tooth . Genuis.
A little harsh, I smell TDS. As far as presidential power being absolute, I believe it is during declared national emergencies. I have to do some research to verify but I am lazy and headed to work. Decisions have to be made on information at hand. The information we had was crap thanks to the WHO and China. While I don't agree with everything being done right now, overall I'd give Trump and his team a strong passing grade.