Yeah, I'm all in on just how bullshit this line of cooties has become. Got ANOTHER employee test positive, so up all night disinfecting the same shit we are already over protecting at work. Cannot control what people do on their own time, so a guy who is barely showing symptoms is positive and off we go spending another 15k spraying alcohol over everything so employees can come back in the morning, same employees who mock it to begin with, and bitch about how unsafe the joint is while the alcohol continues to evaporate. Overkill 2020 should be the name of this fucking thing.
You dont know that we will never know how this would compare if we just went our business like normal.
You won’t be able to compare ... because the CDC released guidance at the first of April to count all “suspected” COVID19 deaths. Not surprising, US deaths doubled the next few days, most of which probably weren’t covid. They are just now getting back to where they should be. So, an estimated 3-4K deaths may not have even been COVID19.
For all the people bitching about Trump didn’t move fast enough .... worldometers highlights the “first 20 cases” in the US. The 20th case was on ..... drum roll .... March 1st. So I’m essence, the never Trumpers think Trump should have shut everything down Jan 31 with just a few cases floating around. I’d say, he acted just right, didn’t jump the gun until 20 cases, as opposed to 10.
I take 5000 units a day. Most people who don’t work outside are deficient in Vitamin D. Start taking it. That is one of the keys to beating Covid19
Trump did nothing the whole month of February. No masks, no gowns, no respirators, and no tests/testing, no plan, no coordination. He just figured a "miracle" would bail us out. Additionally only a moron would look at how fast it took off in China and "think" that our cases would stay low. I don’t think the frustration is in not "shutting it down" at the end of January, but rather the all but wasted month of February. Don’t forget, pandemics had been "wargamed." We had a roadmap, but he ignored it.
No we didn’t. We didn’t have shit. We had no plan! We didn’t even have the stores of emergency N95 mask because they were never replenished after H1N1 and a few Hurricanes. I have to ask, just what was Trump supposed to do? It was a case where a few people talked a big talk, but nobody ever did anything, the result was Trump didn’t have much to work with. We wouldn’t all be shut down if we had had a plan, so instead, we resorted to medieval remedies of social distancing. I’m not sure it was the wisest thing to do, but frankly, Fauci, who’s been around forever didn’t have any better advice.