Go to your doc and have them check your blood level. If it is below 50 ng/ml, then no, it’s not enough. For comparison though, a glass of milk generally has about 100 IUs. So, you are taking 200 IUs, plus what ever you get from the sun, and other foods like fruits and veggies. ... I take 2000-4000 IUs per day vitamin D3 supplement starting in October and stop in June when I start going to the Lake. That’s plenty to ensure I am at or above 50ng/ml, but not toxic.
This guy is just a megaphone for the system, saying all the same things everyone else in the media and body politic is saying. What you don’t hear him ask is the crucial question that I keep asking. .... What was the difference between this Dr and his Son that resulted in his son feeling a little flu-ish for a few days, whereas the Dr developed more significant disease? That is the question that NONE of these attention whores are daring to ask.
Worth more than $0.02. His arguments have logic and appear sound. No question on three and four. I don't have the expertise on one and two. Thanks for shedding some light.
One of the possible consequences I mentioned early on is that the impact of the virus would damage the distribution system that we depend on. This article is a warning. Now some will say that I’m contradicting my support of quarantines but it’s not. It’s recognition that there’s a delicate balance and we need to pay careful attention that we don’t kill our economy. https://apple.news/A5KnyMvVUTYS05zt8AZdfTw
Is Trump going to fire Fauci? There is a lot of speculation (probably well founded). I expect wagers are being made on whether or not Fauci is at today’s media event.
I think Trump would be out of his mind to fire Fauci. Of course, he has done & said some things in the past that have left me scratching my bald head.
100%. But he’s too afraid to fire him politically speaking. Too late now anyhow. They ride or die now.