Get ready for meat prices to start going up
Check this out..Things that make you go hmmmm. Coronavirus scam discussion starts about 2 1/2 minutes in. Someone sent this to my wife. Not sure if this guy is a kook or not but he makes his points in a logical manner.
I think it's already mandatory in some areas. Asked those questions Friday because I was wondering. Over here when it started everyone was wearing masks. Now only about 10%. Disease numbers and deaths continue to climb over here too. Doesn't make sense. And that is why I started wearing a mask at work. Hate the damn thing but I promised my wife.....
If I go farther than my front porch, I wear mine. My daughter came to see us Saturday. Sat on the deck, 12 feet apart (I measured) and we all wore masks.
I would not classify him as a kook. He is dead on right on several topics. 1) the current model is a big Pharma driven model where big Pharma targets the virus, as opposed to focusing on the true issue, which is a weakened patient. I work for Big Pharma, and taught Pharmacy. While I appreciate my paycheck, Pharma is actually causing a problem no one recognizes. Pharma allows people to continue in unhealthy behavior without paying the consequence; that is until something like COVID19 shows up. He is absolutely right, deaths from covid is not due to the virus, it is due to Acute Respiratory Distress Symdrome, which is a patient driven process, and is under the direction of an immune system deficient in Vitamin D. In this respect, Vitamin D is not a cure, it is a prevent. The cellular processes associated with Vit D and the immune system take weeks to ramp up, and that is why I have my whole family start supplementation starting in October. If death was actually associated with the virus, it would target everyone, and we would see death across the age and health spectrum. 2). He is also right on health factors. Vitamin A, vitamin C, and Vitamin D. They are the big three. We should focus on getting people healthy so we don’t have to focus so much on cleaning up a mess caused by an unhealthy population. Throw on top of that diet and exercise to eliminate most of the type 2 diabetes and heart disease in the nation, and again you’ve eliminated a risk factor. I’m just gonna say it. The USDA and Governments fixation on whole grains blah blah is lobby driven. We as humans were created or evolved, take your pick based on your philosophy, to eat fruit, vegetables and meat. Grains are for herbivores, like birds, mice, deer, etc. We ain’t none of those. 3) I agree with him that Fauci is an insider, and has given Trump bad advice. OTOH, this guy is wrong about AIDS. HIV attacked the T cells responsible for mounting an immune response, and that is what causes AIDS. 4) Nobody can argue that the “establishment” has not been trying to sink Trump from day 1 after the election. That is just solid Truth. AND, it is factual that had the coronvirus not come along and caused a shut down, causing devastation on the economy, the Democrats didn’t stand a chance in hell of winning in November. So my biased opinion would agree with him that the establishment is trying their best to take advantage of this for political gain. Part of that is bad advice to make the President look bad; for which if proven, they all should be thrown in prison to rot for the rest of their lives. That’s my 02 worth on it.
Watching this video on taxes and I am about to throw up. The average american that works 40 years will have, by retirement age, have given around 6 years of wages to the government. I guess I never thought of your tax percent as giving a part of yourself before until now for some reason. Might be the whiskey....
@onceanlsufan i agree with much of what you say about points 1, 2 & 4. I’m not sure I put all the blame on big pharma because these been a long trend to to excuse poor health habits and it includes. , schools de-empyazing PE and health class, fast and junk food purveyors and on down the line. The constant efforts by too many to excuse any responsibility by individuals and put it on the state (Medicare for All) is undermining the individualism that built our country. Nothing bothers me more than seeing some morbidly obese couple with 2-4 morbidly obese kids.
Milk has a lot of vitamin D. I have been drinking about 2 glasses of chocolate milk a day for months even before the virus. Is that enough?