And this is what some people want....God help us...
I am hoping we can open up areas that are doing well, but still restrict travel so that people don't go outside their area or state and then bring it back to their community and start this shit all over again.
Whatever is decided it’s up to us, the people to be responsible. I think it may be wise to mandate or encourage very strongly that we where masks in public. Much of our health rests on personal responsibility and we can’t depend on “big brother “ to take care of us. If you smoke or are obese, quit it, lose it and get in shape. If you’re old, have medical issues be more careful. Only you can protect your health. This first wave is excusable because so much was unknown and we were flat footed and really had nothing to defend ourselves with. Now we know what it is and how dangerous it can be. We are slowly developing weapons to fight it, but until we have a vaccine that is sure we’re in danger. We need to start things back up soon but with understanding and take precaution. Don’t be fearful but don’t be stupid.
If they make it mandatory to wear masks they should make sure they are easily available. Just go out and try to buy a mask right now.