well clearly that was the post of the year. keep us updated if the honey turns out to magical or otherwise elite or magnificent. still not sure why we need extra toilet paper. my asshole is presumably not extra filthy for being on lockdown. plus you can always spray your hole with water like the japanese, a very civil people.
I thought about mixing some with peanut butter but that might be like opening a bottle of fine wine at a kegger.
while the rest of us are locked up next month waiting out the death plague, eating canned beans, you will be luxuriating in some kinda mysterious dollar store honey crafted and priced for the aristocracy
Clearly you are quarantined already? I like free time like the next dude, but there are escourts out there for times like these. Splurge. No judgment here
I know this is a serious scenario .... and we shouldn’t joke ..... but I saw this on a Facebook post, and I couldn’t help but chuckle .... Guy with coronavirus post add: Wanted, someone with Lyme disease.
Tucker Carlson went on for about 7 minutes last night. His basic message was, OK, this is no time to panic, but.........PANIC!!!!!!!!