As long as Trump is the prez .... he would bring China to their knees economically if they mess with Taiwan. He may do it over Hong Kong. China is just like Saddam .... gets all puffed up and talks a good talk, but the US has the power to shut their economy AP down, and anybody who supports them down. The CCP would run out of bullets shooting the protesters.
Always figured the reason China has a small prison population is almost every "crime" against the state is punishable by death. Only people trying to get into China are from NK. Let that sink in.
China/Iran trolling US. Of course their answer to riots is tanks and machine guns. Slight difference.
boris johnson may give 3million hong kong people UK citizenship. good, they deserve it, china is fucking them and not holding to the 1997 agreement with the brits and HK. they were supposed to have 50 years of independence. i wish we would import 3 million hong kong people. all those chinee hoochies. highly educated capitalists that care abuot about freedom and democracy boris johnsson is the best prominent politician. and hong kong is (was) maybe the best overall country after us