there are two way specifically that the american left is working with the chinese: 1. whataboutism. every time you say the chines are killing mulsims, they left says the US kills muslims in afghanistan. all criticisms of the CCP are dimissed by criticising america instead. this thread is a great example. 2. racism. the CCP, through their puppet WHO changed the virus name to covid from wuhan flu, they also used american chinese to claim they were the subject of anti-asian racism when the vurus came (i cant prove this but i believe it) to motivate name change. clearly every virus is named after its origin. zika is a place, as is ebola. thats how we name viruses. not anymore, chinese changed it because so many come from there. they told us the naming procedure was racist to take heat off themselves.
Did he do a TikTok telling them to go fuck themselves? A bunch of pandemic spreading slavers they are.
did he mention Uighur enslavement camps eventually marching thousands to their graves. I wish they'd have NBA shirts so some media would report the genocide. The Chinese government is killing Falun Gong and Uighur Muslims to harvest their organs as part of the on going genocide of ethnic minorities in China. Over 1.5 million detainees in Chinese prison camps are being killed for their organs. China's organ transplant trade is worth $1 billion a year
one of the members of korean girl group twice is from taiwan and she was seen with a taiwan flag and her korean bosses made her apologize and say taiwan doesnt exist, there is only china, in a video where she looks like she is a hostage of al queda about to be beheaded nobody can run an entertainment company without bowing to china
We should not give one more inch to the left in fact we should start taking back from the left. If we let them change the anthem you actually believe it would stop there? The flag and the name of our country would be next.