Is America really much better than China?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by USMTiger, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I read in a Paul Friedman book (The World Is Flat) that in a year, more geniuses are born in China than children are born in the US. Not a qualitative thing, just numbers!
  2. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Don’t know about the world but the Catholic Church is going back on 1000 years of tradition by kowtowing to a secular power. This pope will be the ruin of the Church.
    APPTiger likes this.
  3. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Popes getting involved in politics and fraudulent movements like climate change is taking us back to when popes had armies and the Catholic church tortured people who didn't believe. Anybody see all the coincidences? Russia and Saudi tank oil prices to where oil is worthless at one point devastating the US oil industry, Covid and the totalitarian rules imposed on us except of course on BLM and Antifa free to loot burn destroy and murder. All this months away from an election.
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    if you are one in a million, there are 1300 of you in china
  5. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i was watching youtube vids of young folks being asked if they are proud to live in america, or if they think its the best country on earth. this will always result in dumdfuck white kids sayng america sucks, and immigrants saying america is fucking incredible.

    again i think saying america is not good is the universal sign of mid-wit woke dumbfuckery, and believing self-critical bullshit is sophisticated.

    to say america is bad, and it always comes paired with claims that america is racist or homophobic or unwoke etc, it infuriates me. america is the least racsit, the least homophobic etc. people dont know shit, they never travelled anywhere.

    my buds girlfriend recently played this card on me. i correctly guessed that she would say that a country that is better than the US is sweden. they always fuckign say that. then when i tell them i could guess because i knew they would choose a white country. i fucking love saying that.

    i am not a patriotic person. i think the pledge of allegiance is fucking stupid. i hate the national anthem before sporting events. i am not a "murica, fuck yeah" type of hillbilly. i just acceot the reality that the US fucking rules. because it does. its incredible. i have been to the poorest places on earth, haiti, nicaragua, the slums of mumbai. people dont know how great we have it. and not just poor places, we are better than the UK, better than denmark. better than everywhere. we fucking rule.

    of the roughly 200 nations on earth, 180 of them are fucking shit with leaders that are assclowns. there are a handful in western europe and 4 in asia that are awesome. unless you live in those places, you should be desperate to move to the US. and people are. they vote with their feet. the world wants to come here.

    long story short, people that say america sucks are fucking liars and assholes and ignorant shits. i have been everywhere and i know, the US is awesome.
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    well, now that hong kong is ruined, make it 3. taiwan, south korea and singapore
  7. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    @Jmg I'm sure you've told us this before, but I don't remember seeing is it that you've spent so much time in other countries and exactly how many other countries have you spent what you would consider substantial time in?
  8. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i have been to a total of 75 countries, depending on how you count them. i count palestine and hong kong and scotland and any place you could call a country. most recently i went to cuba in january. i have spent the most time in mexico and mainland china, and have been to norway and mexico and costa rica the most times.

    when i lived in new york i lived in queens not terribly far from JFK airport and i would use frequent flier mile scams and fare errors and shit and just go places. i didnt (and still dont) have a car so i would take the train from my apt to JFK and go. like for example one time there was a fare error on air serbia flights to belgrade from JFK. i bought 3 round trip flights to europe for 113 each. there was often a 99 one way flight to mexico city on mexican budget airline interjet. so i would go to mexico city for taco Tuesday all the time. then once overseas i would take more budget flights to random places. for example i would fly to serbia and then fly on ryanair for 16 euro to milan and then moldova and then take a train to romania and then sarajevo. one time i rented an apartment for 10 days in chisinau moldova and went to the grocery store every day like a local person to see what it was like living in moldova. or i would use frequent flyer miles to fly to saigon and then air asia all around, to taiwan and shit. one time there was a fare error to manila from JFK for 150 and i bought that. there is a website where they would publish fare errors, and i would buy all of them. another time there was a big sale on emirates flghts from jfk so i bought one to kuwait and one to mumbai. nowegian air had cheapo flgihts to oslo so i would go there alot. wow air would go to europe via reykjavik for $99. so for years i would go everywhere. between 2010 and 2017 i went overseas maybe 50 times. i never carried more than the "personal item" so i always got a great fare. i would even take spirit air to honduras and guatemala for cheap, i woud literally go anywhere. if there was a cheap fare to haiti, i would buy it and go. one time united was celebrating a new direct route to chengdu central china, so i went down the chinese embassy and got a visa and went to central china for 3 weeks. new york had every consulate so i could get, for example russian and chinese visas locally. being signle and flexible and living near one of the biggest international airports in the world was sweet. and outside the US there are budget airlines that are way way cheaper than we have here.

    unfortunately i live in baton rouge and have a normal job now so thats all over. but for a while i was about as well traveled as you could get.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2020
    Winston1, APPTiger and mctiger like this.
  9. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    After teaching Asian kids for over two decades in a community with an over 20% Asian population, I am not sure if geniuses would be the correct term for many of the Asian students.

    They are browbeaten terribly by their parents, and therefore, they devote an egregious amount of time studying. Our district even had to buy a different test for gifted testing some time back because local Chinese schools had also purchased the test and had their students memorize it before they would test.

    My daughters' elementary school had nearly a 50% Asian population when they were there. When my high school sophomore was in 5th grade, she overheard the following conversation between two Asian girls in her class: "Tiffany, what did you do on Good Friday?"

    "Well, I was at Chinese school from 8 until 5, then I snuck some long division up to my room."

    My daughter's response when she told me about the conversation? "Tiffany seriously needs to get a life."

    That same daughter is also a talented artist and was invited to attend an advanced art summer school that same year. She was annoyed at the Asian "artists" because while they were technically excellent, they only copied the examples of the teachers. They didn't create anything original. My child insisted that wasn't art.

    My school district brought in a Chinese keynote speaker for a professional development day several years ago. He was against standardized testing because he said it doesn't promote risk-taking and innovation, of which the US should be proud. He said Chinese students ( at least the ones the government CHOOSES to test) can ace any test, but they are incapable of invention. He went on to say that American kids aren't bad at standardized testing NOW; they never have been good at it. But they are capable of innovation....though standardized testing is stamping it out.

    In short, the Chinese children will study to make good grades because they are forced to....making them look like geniuses.
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    that is interesting, its always leads me to a nature vs nurture question. are asians by nature less individualistic and creative. more apt to be a part of the collective and do as they are told? or is it that their culture rewards obedience and silent submission?

    clearly its a little bit of both. but, like a racist, i think its far more in their nature than people think.

    einstein visited china, he said they were like automatons.

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