Ok...again, I never said this was the most the country has ever been divided. I'm pretty sure that's what the article is getting at. I'm pretty sure that's what I was getting at....
I know a lot of Namvets and none of them ever felt shunned. The popular anti-war sentiment was against the government, not the soldiers who they were trying to get home. Namvets just don't feel recognized for their service because they were shipped out singly at the end of tours and there wasn't much of a welcome home. The wars that soldiers were in for the duration, were won, and everybody came home to a big parade just didn't happen for them.
They have no power. They are not obstructing anything. GOP has offered over 800 amendments/recommendations to the HealthCare bill and Pisslosi/won'tReid have rejected every single one of them.
You're right, they aren't in power, but they have no intention on working in a bipartisan manner either. The amendments they have offered by and large they know will be rejected. Their whole plan now is to have whatever health care reform passes tied to the dems, and hope that either it fails or they can portray it as failing, leading to their return to power.
Unwillingness to compromise is the problem. Only the democrats are expected to concede anything, never the republicans. Republicans had power and they used it brutally and now cry crocodile tears when the democrats do the same thing.