All of you are fucking stupid for thinking any of this shit matters. Doesn't matter who is right now or who is wrong now, however the point to look back at history and make things more/less important is bullshit and a bitch move. Who gives a fuck what happened 5/10/15/20 years ago. I can say with 99% certainty the issue is how business is done in Washington. I will tell you it is not a Democrat or Republican thing. All you retards keep doing is the same shit Washington does, point the fucking finger. Losers.
Thinking maybe the House and Senate should be making minimum wage with athlete like incentives for doing whats right FOR the american people, instead of inspite of the american people.
yes cause you have never done any of this, we cant find a single post with you pointing a finger. i gotta get me some of that enlightenment, you selling it? a bitch move of course, who cares if 4k American soldiers died based on a lie. Really not important at all. no one gives a fuck clearly.
I haven't in about 6 months I can tell you that.. I have moved passed point fingers for political reasons. There is zero point in doing it. NONE...... Dude really, get off this Iraq shit. If you believe in America and what it stands for, those soldiers died so that those fucking rag-heads can how have freedom. They died for all of us. You clearly do not understand why people FREELY sign up for the military. Just shut the fuck up... Of course people give a fuck, but you know what? WE SIGNED UP TO FIGHT UNDER FREE FUCKING WILL... EVERYONE VOTED FOR IT. ALL TOP DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS...... Put them all in jail, I don't give a shit.
No one said a thing when the IRS during the Bush administration went after the NAACP, the church in California progressive church and Greenpeace. people are so full of shit its no even funny.
fuck you , those people didnt die for that. Those Iraqis are no more free then they were before. So fuck you. 6 months aint shit, you piece of shit. Im not getting off the Iraq shit, if you are tired of it ignore me, its that simple. But this is a free form I post what the fuck I want you fucking asshole. They went to war over a lie, if you dont have a problem with that, then you should examine your fucked up head. come make me shut up since you are such a tough fucking guy, you clown. people sign up to fight under free will, shut be upset of the command that sent them to that bullshit war.
It wasn't a lie. It was FALSE information dumbass. There is a huge difference and being wrong and willfully misleading the WORLD> WERE THE FUCK IS YOUR proof??? You have none b/c you are an ignorant jackass
what I thought, you are bitch, you started the tough talk, now back it up. you are a mindless piece of shit.
WTF are you talking about. What tough talk? You want me to physicaly meet you? LOL right dude. I need to fight internet message board people b/c they have different views than me. And I am the mindless piece of shit......