They were saying today the US would have role in the constitution, but they weren't specific. I think they will have a 3 or 4 party system. The Shi'ites, the Sunnis, and the Kurds each have one. There may be one more.
There were 111 coalitions, parties, and individuals on the ballot and they represented over 8,000 candidates. If a coalition wins 60% of the vote then they will have 60% of the assembly seat (165 seats) and if another got 23% of the vote that coalition gets 23% of the assembly seats (63 seats). I don't know anything about the US's role in the constitution but I'm sure we will have some role in it, although it will probably be as low key as possible to keep the insurgents from saying that the US is forcing a US style government on them.
man the last few years have been serious business. 9/11, a couple wars, and now the seemingly successful spread of democracy in the middle east. i could not be happier with "the bush doctrine" as a response to the new world created sep 11th. in fact, if you had told me a on sept 12th 2001 what things would be like now, i would have been pretty damn happy, because at the time, i was pretty nervous about the direction things were going. man, i really love bush and i also love tony blair for being so loyal and resolute.
Yeah, W is really making a lot of those people who thought he was in over his head look pretty damned silly right now.
Agreed, Just think what might've happened if Kerry got elected, with Ted Kennedy and other Democrats beating their war drums. We might've pulled out of Iraq before the elections. The Democrats these days just don't get it, should I say no defense for the democrats and their policies? Get it? You gotta love the high voter turnout, makes this country look bad when you consider they risked their own lives.
May I also point out that as badly as Dan Rather and the other networks made Iraq seem, George Bush has lost control of the Iraq situation. Iraqis don't want us there and the country is spinning out of control, Iraq is a dangerous place, etc. All that BS they feed people and yet most of them were in Iraq covering the elections, even in the most dangerous places in Iraq! Yep, things must be real bad there!
Even though things weren't as bad as expected, most countries don't have people worrying about losing their life when going to cast their ballot.
I think the elections are the first thing to go right in Iraq yet, but boy what a good place to start. The next thing we need to pray for is that it lasts.