no obviously you're in the majority since the shuffles and minis are selling like hotcakes for nearly an equal price. most could be related to the cool colors and everyone likes to be cool like you. generic hospital white doesn't sit well with kids. 199 was the cost of yours?
I got a 4 gig one and only have 250 songs on it.....and I went thru 200+ cds to get there. the shuffles are $99, correct? the mini is $199.99
I have about 11 gb of music on my 20gb iPod. That dwarfs in comparison to my music collection on my PC which is 67 GB. I had it pretty much topped out, but I took out all the songs I don't listen to on each CD so that I would have to do less skipping when using the shuffle feature.
yep was 290. then again I have 150 gigs filled on my pc. i manage to find a way to fill up everything. i should burn everything to cd before i lose it but i dont use my pc at home very much since work is enough.
Don't be a d*ck. I don't even have an IPOD, and am working off hearsay. If I'm incorrect, so be it. Knowledge (or lack thereof) about an electronic device has nothing to do with IQ.
My battery never has pooped out, maybe because I use it on power adaptor a lot in the car. But there are places online that will swap out a bad ipod battery for you. google it.
oh no more conspiracies! just joking. I'd just send it back to newegg which is the greatest online distributor on the planet. they often ship advanced at no extra costs and give you upgraded products if out of stock on your order. they often do this instead of saying its on backorder or just out of the blue as good business. things like that are cool and an oddity anywhere. id likely receive a new one no questions asked.
That "iPod's dirty secret" thing is like 2 years old. The batteries are actually easily replaced for about $45 bucks and they last 2-5 years in the first place unless you run the battery dead every single day. I've taken a couple iPods apart and it is very easy to do with something like a credit card.