Just hacked my phone again this week. Gotta say that I love what is possible when you do this. Video recording AND live streaming (via Qik), folders, and, best of all, custom UIs. Here's a before and after:
I jailbroke mine a while back, but all the UIs drove me nuts because half the icons matched the theme and half kept their original icon. I couldn't find much to justify keeping it jailbroken, so I restored it. I might take another look at it in the future.
what are the risks with jailbreaking it? i was considering it but i really don't want to make a $200 paperweight.
bricking it. but itunes keeps a backup and u can restore it. go here irc.osx86.hu, #iphone then u can iphuc ur phone (iPhone Utility Client). have a mac ready.
Reading this thread makes me know I need a cool phone. I also knew that this morning when my students were taking a state practice test and had to turn in their phones to a basket in the front of my classroom. Every single one was eons cooler than my ghetto flip phone.
You run a lot of risks, but the chances of experiencing them are very small. Just follow the instructions to the T and you shouldn't have that big of a problem. http://blog.iphone-dev.org/ Definitely recommend quickpwn 2.2 (if your phone is up-to-date with the 2.2 firmware). Once you get it installed, Cydia is now the default installer application- you can download all sorts of themes and programs. I really love the ability to tether to the 3G connection via WiFi on my laptop, and also make custom folders. It can be very overwhelming, but with a lot of time and patience the payoff can be huge- this device is capable of so much more than Apple lets it do.
You and I both Stacey. My wife is a regional mgr for AT&T and she called me this morning saying she won a prize and I could go to the AT&T store and pick out any phone that I want. I am staying w/ my HTC 3125. It's a smartphone and syncs w/ my Outlook and is a flip. I tend to kill the screens of phones w/ exposed screens. I'll let my 10 year old go get the fancy one!
Blackberry Bold is BALLIN. My mom got one. On the note of HTC, tho, I had one of their first phones, an SMT5600, back when it was under the Audiovox brand. That phone was so awesome- my first camera phone, first smartphone. I loved that thing, till I switched to Verizon- and got the absolutely terrible Q. iPhone is still the best device, period, I've ever used.
yep. I have broken (very quickly) several phones w/ exposed screens. I also really like a flip. This one does everything that I need it to. I don't need to send email, IM, anything like that. On the rare occasion that I need to check a score or something on ESPN, I can still do that. My wife has a really fancy one, my 13 year old has an iPhone, my 10 year old has something w/ a slide out keyboard. Call me an old fogy, I'm just happy w/ what I have! I actually bought a couple extra ones off of eBay as spares!