Some have a few features that the iphone does not, but overall, the iphone is still unmatched. It just keeps getting better. Well, besides the battery issue, but I kept my original edge machine and love it. I will use it to the bitter end, and then buy a new one. Doubt I will ever buy a different phone, if this one continues to evolve.
i was going to argue against this but considering the price of all the real competitors due to getting the late jump, Ill have to wait a bit. :lol: id bet against it. forever is a long time. :lol:
Yeah, but I only have to make it another 30 years or so. After that, I don't give a crap who calls. I will be too busy talking to myself...
I got the 8gig 3G just before Christmas (present to myself.) I did not think i would (I hate my Ipod Video v1), but i love it. I wish it had a few more features (a working AIM, MSN messenger for instance.) but it really is an amazing piece of work. The only other phone i even thought about is/was basically still a rumor. The HTC Touch HD Pro, basically and touch hd with a sliding keyboard. Even if it was actually being made, it would not make it to the states for about 18 months.
Have you tried Palringo? It's free and should work with Yahoo and MSN. I like my iPhone; I just wish they would give us the push messaging feature that would allow IM programs to work when they're not running like they promised they would in September. Two other gripes are being able to organize your applications better, and that the app store is being loaded with useless sh!t like fart apps. It's not the greatest phone ever, but it's a very good one.
The only big issue i have with palringo is that i have to make an account with them and then my IM login and chat goes through their servers. I do agree that the push messaging issue is really a big problem. It is why the AIM app is so useless. the fart apps really need to go.
Im eligible for a phone upgrade with AT&T and I'm considering the I-Phone to replace my Treo 750. I dont like the lack of MMS and the battery life is a problem that makes he hesitate.